What a year! As you may have noticed, I’ve been quiet on updating progress with my MLSA (machine learning scholar adventure). You may be wondering why? Well, unless you’ve been living under a rock…the world has been suffering from the effects of covid-19 for most of this year. Whilst I’m fortunate enough not to have been infected (unless I’m asymtomatic), it did affect other areas of my life negatively.
During that time, I was busy putting out multiple fires and focusing on staying sane by looking after my physical, mental and emotional health. I’m glad that I survived with everything intact and can now return my focus to my learning adventure.
Whilst previously, I would have felt embarassed, guilty etc for not being consistent, I have come to realise that it’s best to be honest and live with maximum integrity! It’s important to tell the truth and love yourself despite setbacks! Life sucked for a while and I did my best to handle it so I could rise another day. Learning how to continually pick yourself up, dust of and move forwards is an essential part of life! Thanks to honing that skill overtime, I’m able to pick up where I left off.
Hope you’re all doing great despite the challenges this year has provided ?? Stay safe and I hope you enjoy this adventure with me ? Watch this space and remember…
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill
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